By Marilyn DuHamel I am surrounded by many wild creatures, mostly small, mostly young. This is why I volunteer for Native Animal Rescue where I get to tend these injured or orphaned animals until they can be released back into their natural habitat. Warblers, finches,...
By California Council for Wildlife Rehabilitators Every year wildlife rehabilitators across the nation receive orphaned and/or injured baby tree squirrels because they have lost their nest trees due to tree trimming and removal. Tree squirrels typically mate twice a...
This wonderful article describes one family’s discovery about when and how to “evict” wildlife that has taken up residence in their house. Best advice, in a nutshell, “let the squirrels hunker down until they are ready to leave the attic on...
This is the story of how local residents Kimberly, Doug, and their daughter, Faith reunited a baby squirrel with its mother after the baby had fallen out of its nest located in a nearby tree. After checking to ensure the squirrel wasn’t injured, the family placed the...
In the Spring and Summer, squirrels have already built their nests and are having their young. It is also a time when many of us trim trees and branches. If at all possible, please postpone trimming trees and branches with nests in them and use this offer of large...