Spring and summer are when most wildlife give birth and when Native Animal Rescue receives hundreds of babies. But do these babies really need to be rescued? Because wildlife parents make much better parents to their offspring than humans, we want to make sure these...
By Chrissie Klinkowski Have you noticed owl nest boxes popping up around Santa Cruz County? There are excellent reasons for this. For farmers, barn owls nesting in their barns are the best defense against rodents. For our larger community, the deadly toll that rat...
By Katherine Montana Meeting an animal native to California in its own environment is a treasured experience for many people, including myself. My introduction to the diversity of California wildlife came in a field course I took as an undergraduate student at UC...
By Amy Redfeather “Scarlet,” as we call her, was brought to Native Animal Rescue one sunny day in March. Scarlet is a Long-Tailed Weasel (Mustela Frenata), a native species, rarely seen. When she arrived at NAR we noticed she was a little too friendly and was missing...
By Marilyn DuHamel The local fox used to be brazen – a true vixen. Would match my longing for a glimpse with startling appearances that left me breathless. Since those magical times, fox encounters have become more elusive. No in-person sightings, but my motion...