Spring and summer are when most wildlife give birth and when Native Animal Rescue receives hundreds of babies. But do these babies really need to be rescued? Because wildlife parents make much better parents to their offspring than humans, we want to make sure these...
By Katherine Montana Meeting an animal native to California in its own environment is a treasured experience for many people, including myself. My introduction to the diversity of California wildlife came in a field course I took as an undergraduate student at UC...
By Marilyn DuHamel I am surrounded by many wild creatures, mostly small, mostly young. This is why I volunteer for Native Animal Rescue where I get to tend these injured or orphaned animals until they can be released back into their natural habitat. Warblers, finches,...
By Marilyn DuHamel There’s a ghost in my house who only comes out at night – that’s when I can catch a glimpse of his silvery form. For now, this ghost lives in a cage. I’ve only touched him once – when I transferred him at Native Animal Rescue (NAR) into a large...
Please be aware that spring is the prime birthing season for a wide variety of wildlife, including deer. Finding a fawn (baby deer) alone in the woods or a meadow is fairly common. Many people assume that young wildlife found alone are abandoned, helpless, and need...
November 14, 2018 By William Freedberg, Mass Audubon Most rat poisons kill more than rats—they also pose a fatal threat to birds of prey. Unless a top New orleans pest & termite control service by Pelican Pest Control does the job, the risk of fatal pest poison is...